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Social Media for Real Estate: 5 Social Media Hacks to Grow Your Business

Social media for real estate

Social media and real estate are a natural match. These five strategies will help you make the most of this powerful set of marketing tools.

Social media for real estate marketers is a powerhouse. These are free platforms that marketers can use to share their businesses with the public, generating plenty of returning customers in the process. These five social media hacks are a great place to get started growing your real estate marketing business.  

1. Find your brand identity using social media for real estate 

One of the top frustrations among new social media marketers happens when they try to create a strong following based solely on name recognition. In order for your target audience to be reached and engaged, your brand’s identity needs to be fully fleshed out and presented in your online profiles. Presenting a strong brand identity gives potential buyers the tools to find you, and to decide that you’re the right match for them.  

2. Diversify across platforms 

While Facebook still reigns supreme in the social media universe, if you aren’t connecting with users on other platforms, you’re missing out on huge opportunities. While each platform requires its own content and posting strategy, you’re essentially presenting your brand identity from the various angles allowed by different platforms. Not only that, using multiple social media platforms helps improve your search engine rankings.  

3. Get social—connect with relevant groups 

We’ve written before about the value of guest blog posting when it comes to real estate marketing. The same holds true for your social media for real estate strategy. Finding relevant influencers for your brand, and affiliating with them on social media is a great way to reach a broader segment of your target audience. Reach out to influencers to ask them to share your content—it’s a win for both of you. 

4. Keep up with the latest 

Staying up with what your audience and community on social media is talking about helps ensure that your content is relevant and engaging. Follow hashtags that are relevant for your real estate business, for example, and when you see content that resonates, share it on your own profiles, along with some analysis. 

5. Use SEO tools 

SEO tools (like Google TrendsSimilar Web, and more) aren’t just for websites—they’re an excellent way to boost your reach when you leverage social media for real estate. These tools can help increase your follower counts, as well as your post visibility. In turn, your search rankings will get a boost. 

Building your real estate brand can seem like a daunting task, but social media for real estate provides real estate marketers an easy-to-use set of tools. Be strategic about your content and strategies, and watch your business grow and develop. 

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