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Infographic: 5 Tips for Using Facebook Live for Real Estate Brands

Facebook Live

Live video marketing is one of the best and most cost-effective ways to grow brand awareness and generate leads. Here are five tips for using Facebook Live as part of your video marketing strategy. 


As a real estate marketer, you’re well aware of the popularity of video this year. Video is everywhere and the trend isn’t slowing down. Fifty-four percent of consumers actually want to see more video content from brands.  

So while more real estate brands are increasing use of video in their digital marketing strategy, some are still hesitant to use live video options, like Facebook Live. I get it, going live is scary. With other video options, you can easily delete and start over. Live video gives you one shot to get it right. And not everyone will join your video when you start, so it’s key to iterate your main points several times without sounding redundant.  

But don’t let your nerves stand in the way of trying Facebook Live. Initially launched in 2015, the live video streaming platform has soared in popularity by giving viewers an up-close and personal look at real estate brands. In just two years, Facebook Live’s average daily views doubled year-over-year with over 2 billion users and those who watch videos will spend three times as much time on a Live video than a produced one. 

 It’s easy to see with numbers like that how Facebook Live can help grow brand awareness and start generating leads. Here are 5 tips to get you using Facebook Live for your real estate brand. 

Infographic: 5 tips for using Facebook Live for real estate brands 

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  1. Provide helpful information

We talk a lot about the importance of high quality, valuable content and the same holds true for live video. Try to focus on topics that will provide valuable information for your viewers. Tips about your property’s neighborhood (think restaurant, shops, fitness centers), unique amenities, and local events let you ease into live video by covering topics that you’re comfortable with and knowledgeable about. And viewers will find them useful, too.  

  1. Virtual tours

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so imagine what live video can do! Don’t just talk about the key features of your property — show your viewers. Virtual tours on Facebook Live are a great way to show off your property to leads that might not be local or are juggling busy schedules. Seeing your property in real time will give viewers the illusion of a private tour from their own computer. 

  1. Host a Q&A

Hosting a question and answer session is one of the easiest ways to get your feet wet with live video. Think about the most frequently asked questions about your property, your location, even your real estate brand and take those questions to Facebook Live. Don’t be afraid to start a Q&Aseries where you address questions on a regular basis. Encourage viewers to send in their questions for easy content ideas. 

  1. Day in the life

Use live video to show the human side of your real estate brand. Introduce your staff with little interviews and stream office meetings that introduce new projects or concepts. This inside look shows who you are and what your brand stands for, which helps build trust in your company and your properties.  

  1. Tell your success stories

People love a good success story and if a recent buyer (or leasee) is willing to go on camera to rave about your property, you should jump at the opportunity. As a marketer, you know that customer testimonials serve to increase trust, so why not showcase your satisfied clients? A live testimonial provides an opportunity for clients to talk about your property, creating customer loyalty, and increased brand trust. 

Final thoughts 

Live video is an ideal way to establish your credentials and generate leads. With Facebook Live, real estate brands ca boost brand awareness, build trust, and increase engagement. Use these tips to make live video work for you. Need help getting started? You know where to find us 

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