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Top Real Estate Marketing Trends 2019

Top Real Estate Marketing Trends 2019

Here are the top real estate marketing trends for 2019, including video, personalized content, and authenticity.


  • The popularity of video is still on the rise. Part of what makes video such an appealing form of content is its shareability, which drives organic traffic.
  • Marketers should use social media platforms to engage with followers through compelling content.
  • Foster creativity in your content through benchmarking and researching competitors.

It’s the start of a new year, and that means savvy marketers are looking to stay ahead of the curve. These top real estate marketing trends are what we see coming for 2019.

1) It’s all about the video

We can’t stress it enough: video is here to stay, and it’s time your business starts embracing it.

Part of what makes video such an appealing form of content is its shareability, which drives organic traffic. Creating appealing, engaging video is an ideal way to make your target audience material to share with their network, with the potential to expand your reach exponentially.

2) Social media users are craving authenticity

Let your social media platforms be places where you engage your followers through compelling content that says something about the culture of your business and your passion for real estate.

3) Keep it personal

Much as users are seeking authenticity from marketing on social media, your potential clients will respond all the better to personalized content and relationship-building. Whenever you can, add a personal touch to your communication with your audience.

4) Get creative

One thing we can say for certain about the new year, and the future of real estate marketing going forward, is that creativity is going to be key. Being aware of trends, benchmarking your marketing efforts against those of your competitors, reading industry blogs, and listening to your client-base are just a few key ways to foster creativity.

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Posts Tagged "social media platforms"

Infographic: Top 3 Social Media Mistakes Real Estate Brands Still Make

Infographic: Top 3 Social Media Mistakes Real Estate Brands Still Make

Social media is a valuable tool for real estate brands, but only if they use it to their best advantage and avoid these three common mistakes. 


  • Social media is one of the most effective ways to increase brand awareness and generate leads. 
  • All social media channels have a differentiating quality that makes them appealing to specific audiences. Don’t try to tackle every platform, focus on where your target audience is spending time. 
  • Real estate brands that succeed on social media are finding innovative and creative ways to engage and connect with their users. 

91% of real estate professionals use social media. And we all understand why. By 2019, it is estimated that there will be around 2.77 billion social media users around the globe. That’s a lot of potential customers. 

So it’s easy to understand why real estate brands are using social channels to boost their marketing efforts. Social media is an easy and effective way to increase your properties visibility and reach new audiences, but only if you use it correctly. 

Top three social media mistakes real estate brands make 

Made with CanvaTop 3 Social Media Mistakes Real Estate Brands Still Make

Made with Canva

Mistake #1: Using objectives  

Marketers need to use strategy to effectively utilize social channels. With the constant updates and changes to social platforms, real estate brands need to plan out content, frequency of posts, and pillar topics. Instead of posting with objectives in mind — like increasing leads  try to create posts that reflect your brand, follow your style guidelines, and reflect your brand’s tone.  

A clear strategy can also help improve ROI. Almost two-thirds of marketers still struggle to prove their marketing efforts on social platforms are working. With a defined social media strategy, you can create specific goals, track and measure your efforts, and make changes when needed. 

Mistake #2: Popularity contest 

It’s easy to think that posting on all the most popular social channels is the best idea. Think again. Social media platforms have specific qualities that make them popular among audiences. Real estate marketers need to identify their target audience and find out what social channels they are using. 

The next step is to create content that aligns with those platforms. As marketers, we know how easy it is to post the same content across all platforms. The success behind social media is authenticity and engagement, so it’s important your posts reflect this. Create content, like video, that caters to social channels to help build brand awareness and loyalty. 

Mistake #3: Sales pitch 

Being overly salesy will make prospects run – maybe right into your competition. The best way to win buyers on social media is through engagement. Content that helps prospective buyers envision themselves in your property is what will increase your organic reach. Create innovative and informative content that stands out on social channels by telling your brand’s story. This unique perspective will help create an emotional connection will have a long-lasting impact on viewers and drive brand loyalty.  

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Posts Tagged "social media platforms"

3 Social Media Mistakes Real Estate Companies Still Make

3 Social Media Mistakes Real Estate Companies Still Make

Social media is a valuable tool for real estate businesses, but only if they use it to their best advantage and avoid these three common mistakes. 


  • By 2019, there will be an estimated 2.77 billion social media users around the globe.
  • It’s imperative for real estate businesses to have a clear strategy that includes types of content, frequency, and pillar topics.
  • Real estate companies need to focus on creating content that leaves their users wanting more. 

As many as 81% of small and medium businesses use a social platform. And we all understand why. By 2019, there will be an estimated 2.77 billion social media users around the globe. That’s a lot of potential customers. 

So, there’s no question as to why real estate companies are jumping on the social media bandwagon. And there’s no disputing social media is an effective way to increase brand awareness and generate leads. But it can be fairly useless if your company isn’t doing it right. 

Top three social media mistakes real estate companies still make 

Mistake #1: Using objectives instead of strategy 

Social media platforms are continually making changes and updates to improve the user experience. In order to weather these changes and keep your audience engaged, it’s imperative to have a clear strategy that includes types of content, frequency, and pillar topics. Posts should reflect your real estate brand, so make sure posts follow style guidelines and reflect your specific tone. 

A strategy will also help prove ROI. Social Media Examiner’s 2018 Social Media Marketing Industry Report found that only 44% of marketers agree that they know how to measure social media ROI. That means two-thirds of marketers don’t know whether or how much their marketing efforts are paying off when it comes to the use of social media. A strategy that incorporates defined goals, tracking and measuring will help prove data-driven ROI and improve your social media presence. 

Mistake #2: Using the most popular social media platforms 

Not all social media platforms are created equal. In fact, all social media channels have different qualities that make them appeal to specific audiences. Start by identifying which platform your target audience is the most likely to seek out. For example, 81% of millennials view their Twitter account on a daily basis. If your company is looking to capture millennials as leads, your social media efforts should certainly include Twitter. 

Once you’ve determined where you should be posting, concentrate on creating content that caters to those specific platforms. Lots of companies post the same content across all of the apps they use. We understand how easy that is for marketers, especially with automation tools. But the foundation of social engagement is authenticity, something that is hard to achieve when posts are the same across all channels. Work to create content — including video and images of properties — that caters to specific platforms to build brand awareness and loyalty. 

Mistake #3: Promoting instead of connecting 

Social media is all about engagement. Users don’t want to engage with brands that are pushing their properties. Users want informative, interesting, and yes, even fun content. Real estate companies need to focus on creating content that leaves their users wanting more. 

Companies that are succeeding on social media are finding innovative and creative ways to relate to users. When you engage and get users involved in your story, you create long-lasting customer relationships. Storytelling creates an emotional bond with your company and drives brand loyalty. 

Greg Hadden, executive creative director of Motive Made Studios, sums up the power of connecting with users: “What often gets lost is the fact that good storytelling is potent stuff. It has the power to make people want to believe and to belong, which is the goal of all storytellers. We’re all selling something, be it an idea, an exploration of the human condition, or say, a vacuum cleaner. It’s no mistake perhaps that good stories often create products.” 

Final thoughts 

Social media platforms are a powerful resource that can help your real estate business grow. But they have to be used correctly. Creating a documented strategy will help shape your brand’s social media presence and give you milestones to test and tweak your progress. Need help creating a social media strategy? Let us help. 

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Posts Tagged "social media platforms"

5 Tips to Step Up Your Real Estate Social Media Marketing

5 Tips to Step Up Your Real Estate Social Media Marketing

Real estate marketers are increasingly turning to social media as a strategic tool to grow brand awareness, gain market intelligence, and generate organic traffic. Here are five tips to boost your real estate social media marketing efforts. 

 If you’re a real estate marketer, it’s probably old news that the vast majority of the real estate market has moved online. Increasingly, traditional marketing tactics are giving way to newer methods, and inbound marketing is taking the place of outbound. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: real estate and social media are a match made in heaven. 

You should be making the most of this incredible tool for marketing luxury and commercial real estate. Here are our top 5 tips to grow your real estate social media marketing in 2019. 

1. Be authentic 

Social media for real estate marketing is all about the personal. Users on these platforms are looking to connect with the real people behind the brands they follow. Increasingly, social media users are craving authenticity. Part of building your brand is about discovering and cultivating your “corporate personality,” particularly when it comes to social media. Find your brand’s voice, and let it shine through.  

2. Use hashtags strategically 

Using hashtags well can help increase your properties’ visibility, as well as growing organic reach on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Using hashtags in your social media content lets you categorize your content, draw attention quickly and easily, drive conversations, increase visibility, and harness the power of topics on social media. Check out our guide for using hashtags in real estate marketing here. 

3. Make use of the right tools 

With demand comes supply, and as social media marketing has become more and more important, developers have created some extremely helpful tools to help you streamline your efforts. Whether it’s free stock photos, tools that help you create infographics, or automating your social media posts, there’s likely a tool that will help you get the job done more quickly and easily. 

4. Diversify across platforms 

While Facebook still reigns supreme in the social media universe, if you aren’t connecting with users on other platforms, you’re missing out on huge opportunities. While each platform requires its own content and posting strategy, you’re essentially presenting your brand identity from the various angles allowed by different platforms. Not only that, using multiple social media platforms helps improve your search engine rankings.    

5. Engage with your followers 

It may seem painfully obvious, but too many real estate marketers forget that social media is just that: social. When followers engage with your posts, always reply! Encourage comments and shares—and join the conversation. Not only is it a great way to cultivate a loyal following, but you can also gain valuable insights into your audience’s preferences.  

As with any marketing endeavor, a crucial first step for social media marketing is strategy. We’ll leave you with this idea—your real estate social media marketing will benefit immeasurably from a clear, documented strategy, with measurable goals and a mechanism for collecting and analyzing data. Used wisely, social media can help build your brand, engage your potential buyers and renters, generate leads, and establish your reputation as a trusted resource. 

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Posts Tagged "social media platforms"

5 Real Estate Instagram Accounts You Should be Following

5 Real Estate Instagram Accounts You Should be Following

Instagram continues to lag behind other social media platforms when it comes to real estate marketing. But these five accounts have it figured out—follow them for ideas on how to use Instagram to promote your brand and properties.

Instagram remains an emerging platform for real estate professionals, and, given its overall popularity, it’s puzzling that it hasn’t taken over the real estate marketing world. With the majority of real estate searches beginning online, social media is an ideal way to showcase listings.

As the average age for other social media platforms rises, Instagram has a lower average user age, and furthermore, much of its success comes from the fact that it keeps advertising much less invasive than its competitors. That doesn’t mean that Instagram marketing isn’t effective though. It’s time for real estate marketers to take advantage of this platform.

Here are five of the top real estate Instagram accounts that are using their profiles to boost their marketing efforts.

1)     realestatelegend

Who doesn’t like a good meme? Realestatelegend has garnered a loyal following by posting memes that give real estate professionals and enthusiasts a laugh. It’s a great reminder that, while we devote a tremendous amount of time and energy to educating and persuading our followers, entertaining them can sometimes be just as effective.

2)     realestate_academy

Boasting over 133K followers, realestate_academy is one of the most popular real estate pages on Instagram. It makes use of the visual nature of the platform to highlight beautiful photography, as well as professional development posts and audience engagement.

3)     beginninginthemiddle

Everybody likes a good before and after story! Beginninginthemiddle is the output of a husband and wife team, dedicated to low-cost/high-drama renovations. They post incredible transformations—a great reference point if you’re trying to show prospects the potential in a fixer-upper property.

4)     galloestates1

Ok, so it might not be for everyone (I don’t necessarily want to see my real estate agent lifting weights), but this Beverly Hills-based realtor has one thing figured out: brand building with a personal touch. His Instagram account is engaging, and a good reminder that real estate is personal. You don’t need to post gym selfies if that’s not your thing, but Instagram is a great place to give your brand a face.

5)     the_real_houses_of_ig

With a whopping 1.8 million followers, the Instagram account of The Real Houses founder and editor Kate Rumson is a visual smorgasbord of her brand. Her posts demonstrate her talents in interior design, real estate investment, development and construction, and social media. What’s most striking is the beautifully composed photography and compelling visuals.

Feeling inspired? Get Instagram-ing, and tell us about your efforts.

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